No. 6 (North Shore) Squadron
Air Training Corps
Become a Cadet
Are you aged 13-15 years old by March 2023, or starting Year 9 in 2023? Interested in becoming an Air Cadet? Have a look at the page below to find out more about what we do and how to become a member of 6 Squadron ATC.

What we do
6 Squadron give cadets the opportunities to undertake many activities and training that they may not normally be able to do. Activities are arranged in a structured, safe manner, and build on the core skills taught in Monday night training.

How to Join
We are recruiting now for 2023!
If you are interested in finding out more, then please email us so we can send you out a recruiting pack.

Fees and Costs
Being a cadet isn't very expensive, however as we are a community funded organisation, there are some small fees to help cover the running costs and the costs of activities. Click below for a detailed breakdown.

Parental Involvement
It is the intention of this Squadron that parents are kept informed and involved. This is achieved through newsletters, personal contact and social functions. Parents who have any queries or concerns, or who wish to discuss their Cadet’s training, are encouraged to contact the appropriate Flight Commander, or the Unit Commander.