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About 6 Squadron ATC

Formed in 1959 from the North Shore based cadets parading with 3 Squadron, 6 Squadron (North Shore) has a proud history as a Air Training Corps Squadron, and a part of the New Zealand Cadet Forces. The unit is run by a combination of Officers and Supplementary Staff. All staff are volunteers who have a desire to see the youth of the North Shore develop and grow. The unit is primarily funded through grants and fundraising, managed through our Unit Support Committee.

Unit Staff

Lead by Flight Lieutenant Alex Koppenaal, NZCF, the volunteer Officers and instructors of the unit are responsible for managing the training, activities and safety of the cadets in the unit...


Unit Support Committee

The USC is primarily made up of parents, along with other members of the community. The USC is responsible for the building and equipment needed to run the unit, as well as the financials, including fundraising...

Unit History

Starting as the North Shore members of 3 Squadron in 1959, 6 Squadron has over 60 years of proud history. While many aspect of cadets have changed in the past 60 years, there are still many unit traditions held firm by the unit and it's cadets...

New Zealand Cadet Forces

No. 6 Squadron is an Air Training Corps Squadron, part of the New Zealand Cadet Forces. With nearly 100 units, and over 3500 Air, Sea and Army cadets nationwide, the NZCF is one of NZ's premier youth training organisations...


The Unit headquarters are:

9a Achilles Crescent


North Shore, Auckland

Weekly Parades:

Monday 6:15pm-9:00pm

(During the school term)

Contact Details:

Ph: (09) 445 6668 - leave a message


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© 2021 6 Squadron Air Training Corps 

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