No. 6 (North Shore) Squadron
Air Training Corps
Unit History
The unit was formed in 1959 from the North Shore members of No. 3 Squadron, and commenced parading on Monday nights in Devonport's Fort Cautley.
However Six Squadron quickly outgrew its original building and moved to North Head. Later the Squadron moved in with 3 other ATC Squadrons in Blake Street in Ponsonby. The unit spent several years until Defence sold the land in 1996.
This left the Squadron homeless. Six Squadron moved around various locations loaned by the Navy, Takapuna Grammar and Glenfield Primary.
In 2002 Six Squadron found a home of its own. The North Devonport Bowling Club became available. Six Squadron got a lease for these and have been there since making it their home.
In 2009, Six Squadron celebrated its 50th Anniversary, with a formal parade and a unit Dine In.
Six Squadron is continually fundraising in order to keep the refurbishment of the building going in order to continue its work with the youth of the North Shore.